Last Update: at 16:48


Small boy trapped on luggage belt

A mother let her son out of her sight for a brief moment while he climbed onto a luggage belt. The following minutes at Hartsield-Jackson Airport were painful for the child.

Small incident at the world’s largest airport: At Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta, a two-year-old climbed onto a baggage carousel and was trapped on it for several minutes until he came out of the TSA security room.

The boy’s mother told U.S. media that she let her son out of her sight only for a brief moment when she wanted to print out the boarding passes for a Spirit Airlines flight. In that moment, the little boy climbed onto the baggage claim at an unmarked  check-in counter, as videos from the surveillance cameras show. The child got his hand squished his during his journey. He was taken to a nearby hospital.

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