Last Update: at 16:48

Effects of the pandemic

Palestinian Airlines continues flying without aircraft

The airline is selling off its fleet. However, Palestinian Airlines is not ceasing operations and plans future flights.

The fleet consists of two aircraft. And these two aircraft are now up for sale. But Palestinian Airlines still wants to continue. The airline is only stopping to operate its own two Fokker 50, a spokesperson told aeroTELEGRAPH.

The reason for the sale is the expiry of the contract with Niger Airlines. The African airline had leased the two 30-year-old Fokker aircraft from Palestinian Airlines for a period of time. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic it no longer needs the aircraft, the spokesman said.

Palestinian Airlines to focus on pilgrim flights

Despite that, Palestinian Airlines will continue to operate flights. Services for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims are planned using leased aircraft, explains the spokesperson for the Palestinian airline. It has not been operating regular flights for a long time.

Palestinian Airlines was launched in 1995, flying from Yasser Arafat International Airport in the Gaza Strip to destinations throughout the Middle East. However, the airport was largely destroyed in 2001. The airline first switched to the Egyptian airport al-Arish, which is located not far from Gaza. But it was later no longer allowed to take off from there. Palestinian Airlines was therefore grounded in 2005. The restart in 2012 remained a flash in the pan.

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